185 words
Sunday, December 29, 2013
My Favorite Photo
I would like to write about my favorite photo. I’m joining MONDAY UNION, which
was opened by Yung, the other Monday, in it, we introduced each other our most
favorite photo. I looked for my many photos, and found it. This was taken by
Michika, she is one of an exchange students, and she send it to me. This photo
is the list of exchange students. I was so happy to see this picture because I
found I could go to the Montana State University as an exchange student from
next summer. That is, this photo is an announcement of successful! Thanks for
sending me, Michika. This picture maybe changed my life. I want to improve my
English skills more. I’ll do my best. In fact, I have two favorite photos. I would
like to introduce the one by the by. That was taken by my mother maybe. When I
became 1 year old, I walked! On my first birthday, I walked! That photo shows
us my first step. So, this is my favorite too, and I use it as my icon in LINE.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
So Delicious!

19 words
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Winter Vacation
My winter vacation seems to come because I've
finished my heavy homework! Yeah! In this vacation, I have a coming-of-age
ceremony and unions! Can't wait! Except these, I am going to do my part time
job as a tutor. I have many students. I'm a position of trust. I'll do my best!
For students, I want you to tell me how to read long English sentence quickly.
Let me know!
70 words
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
The Other Day
I took TOEIC test. This was my second time. I'm waiting my score.
13 words
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Essay 2-03b: learning with computers
Today I would like to write about learning with computers. At first, for students,computers would remind them of a lot of homework. And, a lot of homework would remind them of many classes. Students have a lot of homework. For students, computers are indispensable.
Today I would like to focus on students who are majoring English in this university. They have a lot of English classes, for example, speaking, reading, writing, listening, and other classes. They have a lot of opportunities to use computers to do their homework because they have a lot of homework. In addition to this, they can't do their homework without computers.
Today I would like to focus on students who are majoring English in this university. They have a lot of English classes, for example, speaking, reading, writing, listening, and other classes. They have a lot of opportunities to use computers to do their homework because they have a lot of homework. In addition to this, they can't do their homework without computers.
In speaking class, we have some homework. One of those is online study and practice. That is English central. We have to make many points by the end of each term to get credits. Speaking English every day is very important because it will give them muscle for speaking English.
One of speaking class' homework is making presentations about a country, food, dish and so on. To make presentations, we have to search a lot. Of course, we use computers. Especially Internet is most useful for them. After searching, we use presentation, one of computer functions.
In writing class, we have much homework, that is, essays, book reviews, diary and typing practices. We have to write 15,000 words by the end of this term including 18 book reviews and 15 typing homework. Through those homework, students became good at typing. This skill will be good for them in the near future.
In reading class, we have some assignments. We have to search some headlines from newspapers. After searching, we have to gather them up. Our teacher from reading class is considerate, so we have to use Word, one of office tools. In addition to this, we have another homework, that is, PowerWords. That is site for studying vocabularies.
In listening class, we use a computer for doing my homework. Our homework is listening but it can't be listened to the homework by iPhone maybe. That's too inconvenient. So, students always use computers. For students, computers are indispensable.
Through this essay, you might find that students always learn with computers. As a university student, computers are indispensable. Using them is more important. Computers are so convenient but there are some bad points. When you use a computer, you should take care of them and use them well.
402 words
Sunday, December 8, 2013
I have something trouble with my ears. Maybe because I used earphone to listen to music for about 2 hours...
20 words
Thursday, December 5, 2013

124 words
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Essay 2-03a: Spending with computers
Today I would like to write about learning with computers. At first, computers remind me of a lot of homework. And, a lot of homework reminds me of speaking, writing, reading, listening and other classes. I have a lot of homework.
I have my own computer. My father gave it to me. It is portable and Windows 8. However, to tell the truth, it is inconvenient for me. Oops, not inconvenient. It is TOO convenient for me.
In speaking class, I have homework. That one ie online study and practice. That is English central. We have to make 80,000 points by the end of this term. These day, I haven't done it. I little regretted to do it during summer vacation but doing it every day is very important I think. I need English muscle.
One of speaking class' homework is making presentations about a country, food and dish. I've made a restaurant with my friends, Yui and Tomohiro as homework. I made menu and I do a presentation.
In writing class, I have much homework. I have essay and report. In addition to this, I have to write book reviews and diary. We have to write 15,000 words by the end of this term. I wrote a lot but these days, I didn't it. We have to write 18 book reviews too. I've written 11 book reviews. 7 more to go. One of my friends has done. She is so great.
In reading class, I often use a computer. We have some assignments. We have to search some headlines from newspapers. Searching is difficult but I saw English newspapers for the first time due to these assignments. My teacher from reading class is considerate, so we have to use Word, one of office tools. I enjoyed learning new methods about it. I sometimes search English news on Internet. That's so convenient.
In listening class, I use a computer for doing my homework. My homework is listening but I can't listen to the homework by my iPhone. Why~~ That's too inconvenient. So, I always use a computer in building no.14 at this university.
E-campus center is convenient, so I recommend you to use this place.
I've wrote to find that I always learn with computers. As a university student, computers are indispensable. Using them is more important I think. Computers are so convenient but there are some bad points. When I use a computer, I'll take care of them and use them well.
413 words
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Dec. 3
To tell the truth, I skipped my second class today. It was a volleyball class but I had a stomachache... I'm going to attend next c!ass.
26 words
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Welcome to December
December comes. I really think that time is money. This month, my 20th birthday will come. I'll turn 20 years old. By the day, what should I do~~
28 words
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
English Weekend

69 words
Important Person For Me
I would like to choose my father because
he is one of the person that I respect. He runs a law office and works every
day with my mother and employees to bring us up.
I respect him gentility, for example, he
rarely complains and gets angry. When I want somebody else’s advice, I often
talk to my father. It’s because his way of thinking and my way of thinking are
similar to each other. Also, he gives me some advice from his experience. So, I
thank him for everyday help.
91 words
News quiz
News quiz~~
1.Who wins Maldives presidency?
2.Who is U.S. Ambssador to Japan?
3.In November 8, where one of the most powerful typhoons ever recorded slammed into?
4.Who is he received a loan of ¥50 million from the scandal-tainted Tokushukai medical group ahed of the Tokyo gubernatorial election last December?
5.How will the Emperor and Empress's ashes be preserved?
6.Who is European Council President?
7.When will construction work on nine permanent athletic facilities for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics start?
1.Yaamin Abdul Gayoom
(The Japan News, November 18, 2013 p.6)
2.Caroline Kennedy
(The Japan News, November 24, 2013 p.1)
(The Japan News, November 9, 2013 p.6)
4.Naoki Inose
(The Japan News, November 23, 2013 p.1)
5.Cremation revived
(The Japan News, November 16, 2013 p.1)
6.Harman Van Rompuy
(The Japan News, November 16, 2013 p.1)
7.in 2016
(The Japan News, November 16, 2013 p.1)
How many points did you get? See you next quiz~~
154 words
Beautiful Sky
Yesterday, I had 2nd and 4th classes but I skipped the former. So, I went to university by bus at around 1 o'clock. The weather was so good and I took this picture at my bus stop. Yesterday's sky was so beautiful <3 Watching beautiful skies is good for me.
50 words
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

After arriving university, someone who I met for the first time today was Yui. She is so smiley, and her smile made me happy. Smiles make me powerful.
After classes, I went to eat with my friends. The restaurant is Seoul, Korean food. It was so delicious. I had a great time. Thank you guys. <3
75 words
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
BR 2-11: The Cup in the Forest
"Look at this old cup, Nina!" (p.3)
Per and his girlfriend, Nina are on holiday in the country. While driving, they find beautiful forest. They stop the car and walk in the forest. But the forest is very dark and quit, so they are about to go back to the car. On the way to the car, he sees some old stones and they find an old cup. It's beautiful and very expensive! The forest is very dark and cold. They go... At that time, Per looks a man into the trees!?!? But, Nina can't see a man... Who is he?!
I chose this book because reading this book is good for me I think. This story is retold by Anne Collins. This is in the Penguin Readers and written in British English. Its YL is 0.8, so it is written only 980 words (about 15 pages). This story is little scary, so I recommend you to read this book as a warm-up.
Anne Collins. (2003). The Cup in the Forest. Essex, England: Penguin.

I chose this book because reading this book is good for me I think. This story is retold by Anne Collins. This is in the Penguin Readers and written in British English. Its YL is 0.8, so it is written only 980 words (about 15 pages). This story is little scary, so I recommend you to read this book as a warm-up.
[179 words]
Anne Collins. (2003). The Cup in the Forest. Essex, England: Penguin.
BR 2-10: Dick Whittington
"Please give me your cat." (p.7)
This story is about a boy, Dick Whittington, 12, likes stories. One day, he goes to London, and he looks at the children in there. They have got sad faces. Dick is hungry, and he sits down next to beautiful house and goes to sleep. When he wakes up to find this house is Mr Smith's house. Maybe he has money I think. He has a friend who is the king's friends, and he goes to dinner at the king's castle. But something happens! The time, the key is cat. What is it??
I chose this book because illustrations look cute. This story is retold by Marie Crook. This is in the Penguin Young Readers and written in British English. Its YL is 0.5, so it is written only 360 words (about 14 pages). This story is fun, and I recommend you to read this book if you had free time. For your information, this book is too easy for English learners, so I recommend you to read this book as a warm-up.
Marie Crook. (2000). Dick Whittington. Essex, England: Penguin.

I chose this book because illustrations look cute. This story is retold by Marie Crook. This is in the Penguin Young Readers and written in British English. Its YL is 0.5, so it is written only 360 words (about 14 pages). This story is fun, and I recommend you to read this book if you had free time. For your information, this book is too easy for English learners, so I recommend you to read this book as a warm-up.
[179 words]
What I Think About Celebrations
I would like to talk about celebrations. Of course, I celebrate my family’s birthdays and my friends’ birthdays. June 26th was my younger sister’s 17th birthday. We had sushi delivered and had a birthday party at home. We ate sushi, deep-fried chicken and cake while drinking juice. June 17th was Father’s day. In this year, I, my sister and my brother presented my father “zinbei” in a body. Zinbei is light cotton summer clothing consisting of knee-length shorts and short-sleeved jacket, often worn at festivals. My sister presented him a handkerchief, too. We, my family ate cake which my mother bought at delicious cake shop. May 13th was Mother’s day. May 12th was my father’s birthday, so I cooked a custard pudding tart for them. After my and my brother's failure in exams, my family celebrated us doing our best. I and my brother were happy, so Now, we do our best at present school. In my family, we usually celebrate as often as we can. I would like to celebrate more things in my life. I don’t think celebrating isn't a waste of time because it gives me power. I like to celebrate with someone. It goes without saying that my family, I like to do with my friends, too. When it comes to celebrating with my friends, we usually celebrate when my friend get a boyfriend or girlfriend. In their memorial day, I sometimes mail them. “I wish you the best!” I feel happy to see them spend happily. Of course, I celebrate my friend’s birthday. June 8th was my friend’s birthday. I and the other my friends prepared confectioneries and I cooked cookies for her. I was glad to see her rejoice to see cookies. After all, I like to celebrate because celebrating is happy, especially celebrating with someone!
302 words
Monday, November 4, 2013
BR 2-09: The Elves and the Shoemaker
"Beautiful shoes!" (p.25)
This story is about a shoemaker. Until late night, He is making shoes. He is sad because his shoes are not beautiful. However, his wife says "Let's sleep now." In the morning, the shoemaker finds there are some beautiful shoes on the table. He is so happy. He puts the shoes in his shop, and a man who comes in says "Beautiful shoes!" The shoemaker finds some beautiful shoes on the table again in the morning. One day, the shoemaker and his wife don't go to bed and see something. What they see???
I chose this book because illustrations look cute and I don't know the word, elves. This story is retold by Marie Crook. This is in the Penguin Young Readers and written in American English. Its YL is 0.5, so it is written only 332 words (about 14 pages). This story is fun, and I recommend you to read this book if you had free time. For your information, this book is too easy for English learners, so I recommend you to read this book as a warm-up.
Marie Crook. (2000). The Elves and the Shoemaker. Essex, England: Penguin.

I chose this book because illustrations look cute and I don't know the word, elves. This story is retold by Marie Crook. This is in the Penguin Young Readers and written in American English. Its YL is 0.5, so it is written only 332 words (about 14 pages). This story is fun, and I recommend you to read this book if you had free time. For your information, this book is too easy for English learners, so I recommend you to read this book as a warm-up.
[183 words]
Marie Crook. (2000). The Elves and the Shoemaker. Essex, England: Penguin.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Welcome to November
November comes the other day. Only two months left this year. Time is money... This month, I shall do my best for studying English. I will go to the US as an exchange student from next summer. However, my English is too poor. Fightin' me. Do itttt!!
47 words
My full name is Yukie Yokota. In fact, I
dislike my family name. When you call it upside down, you pronounce Takoyo. It seems to mean "I'm an octopus". So, I dislike my name. I was born in Fukushima, and moved to
Kumamoto. My hometowns are Fukushima and
Kumamoto. I like nature of them. I like listening to music because I joined
brass band club. I like taking a bath
too. I want to be an English teacher, so
I will do my best in KGU! I want to make
friends in the world, so I will be ryuugakusei staff.
100 words
Toy Story
I really really love them. This photo was my lock screen now. haha
21 words
English Central
I studied this video... I cried. I think that I want to take good care of my family and friends.
20 words

Finally, I was able to park. Phew!
29 words

Next, we choose a today’s reed which is made of very delicate Kane by its appearance, wood grain, and darkening and so on. After we choose it, we set it up a mouthpiece which is sound generated in the mouthpiece leads to vibration by a ligature which is clamp to secure the reed and the mouthpiece. There are many various mouthpieces and ligatures, so we need to choose best for us. If you don’t know which choice is best for you, you can ask a person of a shop for musical instruments.
After we choose a mouthpiece, ligature, and reed, we put on cork cream with cork which is the part that connects the neck and mouthpiece. Neck is body part that connects the mouthpiece and tube.
Finally, we attach the neck and body and we finish. Next time, you try to play!
300 words
Family Trip 2
Hi, i'll write about my family trip last March. After graduating my high school, my family went to Oita. We had a family trip for a long time and we went to African safari park, themepark(the name is KIJIMA) and aquarium(the name is umitamago). I'll talk about aquarium called umitamago today. The aquarium was so fantastic. We can see many animals and nice shows. Of course, i did and took many pictures! i'll attach some favorite pictures ne. If you would like to go there, click Here.
87 words
Saturday, November 2, 2013
November 12th '12 Speech
Hi, everyone. My name is Yukie. I will tell you about my cell phone. My cell phone is iPhone4S. I began to use it from March 2012. I use it every day, that is, I am together with it for one and five months. Smart phones are very convenient. As you know, we can do anything by smart phones. It seems to me that we have always computer every day. I think my choice is good, because iPhone is good for me. But there are some bad points. It’s that we sometimes use it too much, and we can be easy to tire. And eyes sights become bad. Also, iPhone is heavy. If I got down it, a large screen of iPhone would be broken.
Actually, I've gotten down it. What’s worse, I got down in Fukuoka in summer vacation. In August, I went there with my friends to meet our friends and shopping. I wanted to visit my cousin. First day, I enjoyed shopping with my friends at tenjin. When I tried to call my friend, I found I’m missing my iPhone. I looked for it in my bag and surrounding, but I couldn't find it. It gets dark, so I gave up and call to the police. Police said “I’ll be in touch with you again if your iPhone is found.” I was shocked because I lost my cell phone for the first time in my life.
Second day, it was rainy day. I didn't receive a communication from the police. I thought perhaps my iPhone is driven out to sea.
Third day, I contacted the police and asked “Was my iPhone found?”, but answer was no. I thought my iPhone couldn't find forever.
The night of last day, my cousin told me “Your iPhone was found!”
“Oh, really?” I was really happy, but also I really worried about my iPhone because I got down, so the screen would be cracked. And it was rainy, so iPhone would be submerged.
Next day, I went to tenjin police with fear. I said “I heard my cell phone was found. My name is Yokota.” The police gave me, and I saw it. To my surprise, my iPhone was safe! It wasn't broken and the screen of it was clean; not cracked. I could charge, so it wasn't submerged. This story is amazing, but real story. That’s all.
418 words
Best friend 5

Today I'll introduce my best friend. Please look at this photo.
This photo was taken about one and half years ago. March 25-26.2012. At HUIS TEN BOSCH. After graduating our old high schools, we went to have a graduating trip to HUIS TEN BOSCH in Nagasaki. We went there by ourselves and spent there for one night and two days. At first, we had a meeting at traffic center in Kumamoto and took an express bus to Nagasaki. It took about three hours. First day we took many attractions. It was great. The night, we took a ferries’ wheel and saw beautiful views. Of course, we ate many delicious food ne! haha
My best friend's name is Reishuku. Her nickname is Rei-chan. We met when we were elementary school students. We spent for a long time together. We have never gone to same school but we take a contact almost every day by message, call, Twitter and Facebook. She goes to Kumamoto University now and we sometimes meet to chat. However, she has never been to KGU and I want her to come to ne! haha I've been to her house many times, but she rarely come to my house because my house is dirty. lol I have to clean my house to invite her ne! haha
217 words
BR 2-08: Girl Meets Boy
"My plan worked, you see." (p.25)
This story is made up there points of view, that is, the girl, the boy and the town. (I can't understand it. haha Why is there the town's story???) At first, it is Donna's story. Her story starts in late July. It was the first day of her holiday. While having good time on the boat, she found him. He was really good-looking. She likes him. Second story is Mark's story. There were hundreds of people on the boat, but he found her. She is really good-looking with nice brown eyes and black hair. After that, what will they? What is my plan? Who said that?
I chose this book because I thought reading books from this level is good for present me. This story is retold by Derek Strange. This is in the Penguin Readers Beginner and written in British English. Its YL is 1.0, so it is written 1900 words (about 26 pages). Though there are more pages than usual, maybe you can read this book as usual. This story is little fun, and I recommend you to read this book if you had free time. For your information, this book is a black-and-white book.
Derek Strange. (1999). Girl Meets Boy. Essex, England: Penguin.

I chose this book because I thought reading books from this level is good for present me. This story is retold by Derek Strange. This is in the Penguin Readers Beginner and written in British English. Its YL is 1.0, so it is written 1900 words (about 26 pages). Though there are more pages than usual, maybe you can read this book as usual. This story is little fun, and I recommend you to read this book if you had free time. For your information, this book is a black-and-white book.
[203 words]
Derek Strange. (1999). Girl Meets Boy. Essex, England: Penguin.
BR 2-07: Mothor Teresa
"Go home and love your family."
Though there are a lot of good people in
the world, not many of them are world-famous. Mother Teresa was a small, quite
nun. She died in 1997 in India, but people in many countries remember me, of
course, I've known her. I've read her story in Japanese comic when I was an
elementary school students. In addition to this, I've watched recorded TV shows
about her. Do you know about her??? In the world, she is famous. People talk
about her and they love her. Why? Let's read her story. The answer is here.
I chose this book because I thought that I wanted to read stories about Mother Teresa in English. This story is retold by D'Arcy Adrian-Vallance. This is in the Penguin Readers Beginner and written in British English. Its YL is 1.0, so it is written 2133 words (about 14 pages). Maybe you can read this book for minutes. Reading about Mother Teresa in English is good for English learners I think, and I recommend you to read this book.
D'Arcy Adrian-Vallance. (2006). Mother Teresa. Essex, England: Penguin.

I chose this book because I thought that I wanted to read stories about Mother Teresa in English. This story is retold by D'Arcy Adrian-Vallance. This is in the Penguin Readers Beginner and written in British English. Its YL is 1.0, so it is written 2133 words (about 14 pages). Maybe you can read this book for minutes. Reading about Mother Teresa in English is good for English learners I think, and I recommend you to read this book.
[181 words]
D'Arcy Adrian-Vallance. (2006). Mother Teresa. Essex, England: Penguin.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Essay 2-02b: Super Public Bath
Super public bath, which is known as Suisyun is my favorite place. Do you know this name? Have you ever been there? Today, let me introduce this place. If you want to go there, please check this homepage too. I'm going to add homepage address, so you can click and see it.
Suisyun is located near the shopping mall in Mashiki, Kumamoto. It’s easy to get there by car. You can go there by bus from the traffic center near the Kumamoto Castle too. Maybe it takes about 1 hour from there to suisyun by bus, but it takes about 40 minutes from there to syuisyun by car. Coming and going aren’t difficult.
Suisyun and the shopping mall in same land. The land is so extensive. The exterior of ? buildings is beautiful. In the shopping mall, there are various kinds of clothing shops, restaurants and cafes, so we can enjoy in shopping mall. There is the theater too in the shopping mall, and we can watch movies. We can do anything, and it's great.
Suisyun is a double-decker building. In the first floor, there are reception desk, restaurant, massage room and many kinds of hot springs. After arriving there, we put our shoes in shoe box and lock. We have to safekeeping key of shoe box. And then, go to the reception desk and order today's menu.
There are many places in the first floor, so you can do various things.
In the second floor, there are bedrock, relaxing room and sports gym. Suisyun has hot rock saunas. In Suisyun, there are many comics and magazines[,] too. We can take a hot rock sauna while reading magazines, but we can't bring comics in ? hot rock saunas’ room. In relaxing room, there are many sofas for one person. We can relax while reading a book.
Suisyun has many attractive goods. After taking baths, you will do a lot of things. Suinsyun isn’t just hot springs. Suisyun is a super public bath! Hope you have a relaxing time there.
Suisyun is located near the shopping mall in Mashiki, Kumamoto. It’s easy to get there by car. You can go there by bus from the traffic center near the Kumamoto Castle too. Maybe it takes about 1 hour from there to suisyun by bus, but it takes about 40 minutes from there to syuisyun by car. Coming and going aren’t difficult.
Suisyun and the shopping mall in same land. The land is so extensive. The exterior of ? buildings is beautiful. In the shopping mall, there are various kinds of clothing shops, restaurants and cafes, so we can enjoy in shopping mall. There is the theater too in the shopping mall, and we can watch movies. We can do anything, and it's great.
Suisyun is a double-decker building. In the first floor, there are reception desk, restaurant, massage room and many kinds of hot springs. After arriving there, we put our shoes in shoe box and lock. We have to safekeeping key of shoe box. And then, go to the reception desk and order today's menu.
There are many places in the first floor, so you can do various things.
In the second floor, there are bedrock, relaxing room and sports gym. Suisyun has hot rock saunas. In Suisyun, there are many comics and magazines[,] too. We can take a hot rock sauna while reading magazines, but we can't bring comics in ? hot rock saunas’ room. In relaxing room, there are many sofas for one person. We can relax while reading a book.
Suisyun has many attractive goods. After taking baths, you will do a lot of things. Suinsyun isn’t just hot springs. Suisyun is a super public bath! Hope you have a relaxing time there.
[336 words]
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Favorite Candies
Today I would like to write about my favorite candies. I have a lot of favorite candies, for example, chocolate, candies, and ice creams. I can't write down all because I have too much favorite candies. Today I want to introduce some of them, for example, I like chocolate very much, and especially "KitKat" is the best. The name is good I think. When I was a junior high school and a high school student, I gave them for my seniors to pray for their passing the exams for entering high schools and universities. When I was a high school student, I liked slab chocolate but these days I like something taste of chocolate better than. I like candy too, especially throat candy taste of grape. The rest... I like ice creams very much. In summer, I want to eat it every day I think. Something cold make me refresh in hot days.
153 words
Favorite Dishes
Today I would like to write about my favorite dishes. I have a lot of favorite dishes, for example, noodles, deep-fried chicken, salted cod roe spiced with red pepper with rice and so on. You know, I really love noodles, for example, udon, Japanese vermicelli and pasta. In summer, I often eat noodles for lunch, of course, I eat it for dinner. In the hot day, cold noodles make us refresh, and I love it. Sometimes, my family goes to eat for dinner. We often go to sushi bar, which is known as Kurazushi. Have you heard the name? The restaurant gives us various kind of sushi. In addition it, they are very cheap and delicious. My ground father and mother like sushi too, so we bought sushi for them for New Year's day. Delicious dishes are great I think. They make us happy; of course they make me happy.
150 words
Monday, October 28, 2013
Best Firends 4

This picture was taken at The Kumamoto Castle on March 28. There are three smiling girls ne! Midmost girl is me. haha The girl who is standing at the first left is Kyoko. She always smiles and her smile is fantastic like Sun flower. So her nickname is Sun flower. haha She is going to Health science university. The girl who is standing at first left is Sumika. She is very kind girl and her smile is fantastic like cherry bloosms i think. She is going to Kumamoto university. They are very nice girls. Last year we spent many times together. There were many things to happen. I miss these days and i miss you guys<3 On March 28, we met at The Kumamoto Castle for a long time. We had a hanami party there. I had really good time. By the way, Sumika became twenty years' old a few days ago and i gave her handmade message book. I made a message book for the first time but it was good i think. i'm happy to make it good and see what she was pleased with it. Love you guys.
204 words
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Favorite TV Stars

143 words
Favorite Fruits
Today I would like to write about my favorite fruits. My favorite fruit is Japanese pears. I really love it. The pear is now in season, so I want to eat it every day. My families love it too. When my mother peels a lot of fruits, for example, pears, apples and kaki, and put them it tupper, pears disappear at first. I like pears better than apples. In Japan, Japanese pears mean nashi. When I say my favorite fruit, of course I say nashi in Japanese but sometimes around me for a second moment think that you don't have favorite food? However, after that they found nashi doesn’t mean anything but a Japanese pear. In English, I don't have to worry about it, and it's good I think. In addition to this, I love peach too. It was delicious.
140 words
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Favorite Sport To Watch

159 words
Friday, October 18, 2013
BR 2-06: Amazon Rally
"You're champions too." (p.15)
David and Brian are at Heathrow Airport in London. They are motorcycle racers from Enfield, a small town in England. They usually race in England, and in European countries, but this time they are going to Brazil. Racers from many countries are going there, too. They are all going to race across the Amazon jungle. A motorcycle rally in the Amazon jungle is a difficult race, you know... What will they? The Amazon Rally starts! The first day is OK. On the second day, the roads are not very good. On the third day, the racers are in the jungle. And then, second day in the jungle, a difficult day starts. The rain never stops and the road is very bad! What will they???
I chose this book because it looks fun. This story is retold by Eduardo Amos and Elisabeth Prescher. This is in the Penguin Readers Beginner and written in British English. Its YL is 1.0, so it is written 1900 words (about 15 pages). Maybe you can read this book for minutes. This story is interesting, and I recommend you to read this book.
Eduardo Amos and Elisabeth Prescher. (2000). Amazon Rally. Essex, England: Penguin.

I chose this book because it looks fun. This story is retold by Eduardo Amos and Elisabeth Prescher. This is in the Penguin Readers Beginner and written in British English. Its YL is 1.0, so it is written 1900 words (about 15 pages). Maybe you can read this book for minutes. This story is interesting, and I recommend you to read this book.
[191 words]
Eduardo Amos and Elisabeth Prescher. (2000). Amazon Rally. Essex, England: Penguin.
Favorite Drink

140 words
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Favorite Animal

156 words
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Essay 2-02a: My Favorite Place
I would like to write about my favorite place. My favorite place is super public bath, which is known as suisyun. Do you know this name? Have you ever heard this name? Today, let me introduce about this place. If you became to want to go there, please check this homepage too. I'm going to add homepage address, so you can click and see it.
There is near a shopping mall in Mashiki, Kumamoto. I live in near the Kumamoto Castle, you know, and it takes about 40 minutes from my house. I hardly go there because it is too far for me. However, I have a lot of time and I think I want to go there. There are hot springs and shopping mall there. You can enjoy both. It's good I think. In the shopping mall, there are various kinds of cloths shops, restaurants and cafes. There is the theater, and we can watch movies. We can do anything, and it's good I think.
Suisyun has the first floor and the second floor. In the first floor, there are reception desk, restaurant, massage room and many kinds of hot springs. After arriving, we put our shoes in shoe box and lock. And then, go to the reception desk and order today's menu. We have to safekeeping key of shoe box. After that, I often go to bathroom and take hot springs. Sometimes I have delicious food at the restaurant. The other day, I went to massage room and I had a very relaxing time. There are many places in the first floor.
In the second floor, there are bedrock, relaxing room and sports gym. I haven't visited sports gym, but I want to go there someday. I often go bedrock. suisyun's bedrock is the biggest while I know it. In suisyun, there are many comics and magazines. We can take bedrock while reading magazines but we can't bring in comics there. In relaxing room, there are many sofas for one person. I often sit down and enjoy reading. I like the time.
Six months ago, I finally got driver's license and can go there by myself. The other day, I went there with my mother and had a relax time there. I often go there with my mother and my sister. Sometimes I go there by myself. My friends like hot springs too. And then, we planed to go there during the summer vacation but I couldn't there. So I want to go there with them in the near future. Winter comes. In winter, hot springs are good for health. I'm looking forward to going there with my friends.
In there, I often enjoy having delicious foods, hot springs and bedrock while reading. I like to relax, so suisyun is the best for me. If you became interested in, click there. I add photo that the other day I ate it at suisyun. Suisyun is far from my house but there is a good place like suisyun near my house. Next time, I will write about it. Don't miss it!
There is near a shopping mall in Mashiki, Kumamoto. I live in near the Kumamoto Castle, you know, and it takes about 40 minutes from my house. I hardly go there because it is too far for me. However, I have a lot of time and I think I want to go there. There are hot springs and shopping mall there. You can enjoy both. It's good I think. In the shopping mall, there are various kinds of cloths shops, restaurants and cafes. There is the theater, and we can watch movies. We can do anything, and it's good I think.
Suisyun has the first floor and the second floor. In the first floor, there are reception desk, restaurant, massage room and many kinds of hot springs. After arriving, we put our shoes in shoe box and lock. And then, go to the reception desk and order today's menu. We have to safekeeping key of shoe box. After that, I often go to bathroom and take hot springs. Sometimes I have delicious food at the restaurant. The other day, I went to massage room and I had a very relaxing time. There are many places in the first floor.
In the second floor, there are bedrock, relaxing room and sports gym. I haven't visited sports gym, but I want to go there someday. I often go bedrock. suisyun's bedrock is the biggest while I know it. In suisyun, there are many comics and magazines. We can take bedrock while reading magazines but we can't bring in comics there. In relaxing room, there are many sofas for one person. I often sit down and enjoy reading. I like the time.
Six months ago, I finally got driver's license and can go there by myself. The other day, I went there with my mother and had a relax time there. I often go there with my mother and my sister. Sometimes I go there by myself. My friends like hot springs too. And then, we planed to go there during the summer vacation but I couldn't there. So I want to go there with them in the near future. Winter comes. In winter, hot springs are good for health. I'm looking forward to going there with my friends.
In there, I often enjoy having delicious foods, hot springs and bedrock while reading. I like to relax, so suisyun is the best for me. If you became interested in, click there. I add photo that the other day I ate it at suisyun. Suisyun is far from my house but there is a good place like suisyun near my house. Next time, I will write about it. Don't miss it!
[512 words]
Favorite Place
This map is for my essay 2-02. I would like to write about my favorite place, suisyun. I'm writing about the location, building, with whom and what I do in the essay.
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