Saturday, November 2, 2013

November 12th '12 Speech

Hi, everyone. My name is Yukie. I will tell you about my cell phone. My cell phone is iPhone4S. I began to use it from March 2012. I use it every day, that is, I am together with it for one and five months. Smart phones are very convenient. As you know, we can do anything by smart phones. It seems to me that we have always computer every day. I think my choice is good, because iPhone is good for me. But there are some bad points. It’s that we sometimes use it too much, and we can be easy to tire. And eyes sights become bad. Also, iPhone is heavy. If I got down it, a large screen of iPhone would be broken.
Actually, I've gotten down it. What’s worse, I got down in Fukuoka in summer vacation. In August, I went there with my friends to meet our friends and shopping. I wanted to visit my cousin. First day, I enjoyed shopping with my friends at tenjin. When I tried to call my friend, I found I’m missing my iPhone. I looked for it in my bag and surrounding, but I couldn't find it. It gets dark, so I gave up and call to the police. Police said “I’ll be in touch with you again if your iPhone is found.” I was shocked because I lost my cell phone for the first time in my life.
Second day, it was rainy day. I didn't receive a communication from the police. I thought perhaps my iPhone is driven out to sea.
Third day, I contacted the police and asked “Was my iPhone found?”, but answer was no. I thought my iPhone couldn't find forever.
The night of last day, my cousin told me “Your iPhone was found!”
“Oh, really?” I was really happy, but also I really worried about my iPhone because I got down, so the screen would be cracked. And it was rainy, so iPhone would be submerged.

              Next day, I went to tenjin police with fear. I said “I heard my cell phone was found. My name is Yokota.” The police gave me, and I saw it. To my surprise, my iPhone was safe! It wasn't broken and the screen of it was clean; not cracked. I could charge, so it wasn't submerged. This story is amazing, but real story. That’s all.

418 words

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