Porfolios page

Welcome to my Portfolios page!

Revised by: 12154
Date: 2014.01.22

This page includes a Google spreadsheet that shows my essays and book reviews from spring semester. It shows my progress in writing III and soon IV. Visitors can find what I've done while Writing III class. I show visitors how many posts I've done, how many words I've written, how many comments, and so on. I want visitors to look for and notice my progress and mistakes. I was able to write many things in English, which is my major improvement. I did my best from April, and it was good!

0.0. Proto-Portfolios

Reflections on Proto-Portfolios

* I got off to a good start.
* I achieved 10000 words in June.
* I finished 15 book reviews in June.
* I left comments as much as I can.

1.0. 1st Semester Portfolio

This page includes a Google spreadsheet that shows my essays from spring semester.

1.1. Essay Showcase

Best Essay
I think Essay 1-02b: Extended Uni. Life essay is my best essay because I did it with my peels all of us pull together. In addition, after writing this essay about university, I get to like my university.

Overall Essay Developments
* I wrote many words.
* I tried to be conscious of flow.
* I tried to write by a third person (not using I and We).

1.2. Book Review Showcase

Best Book Review
I think http://mwl-yukie.blogspot.jp/2013/06/br-1-10flying-home.html is my best Book Review because I read more difficult book and wrote my book review. I wrote many book review, so I could read this difficult book. This book  was interesting story, and I could recommend confidently.

Overall Book Review Developments

* I achieve 15 book reviews in June.
* I tried to write 100-200 words in a book review.

2.0. 2nd Semester Portfolio

This page includes a Google spreadsheet that shows my essays and book reviews from fall semester. It shows my progress in writing IV. Visitors can find what I've done while Writing IV class. I show visitors how many posts I've done, how many words I've written, how many comments, and so on. I want visitors to look for and notice my progress and mistakes. I was able to write many things in English, which is my major improvement. I did my best from summer vacation, and it was so good!

2.1. Essay Showcase

Best Essay
I think Essay 2-01c: Learning Languages is my best essay because I rewrote twice, and completed this one. I received lots of advice, and they are so helpful for me.

Overall Essay Developments

* I wrote many words, paragraphs.
* I tried to be conscious of being easy to read for readers.
* I tried to write by a third person (not using I and We).

2.2. Book Review Showcase

Best Book Review
I think BR 2-07: Mother Teresa is my best Book Review because I read non-fiction book for the first time. Until now, I wrote many book review, so I could read this one. It was interesting story, and I could recommend confidently.

Overall Book Review Developments

* I read lots of book reviews.
* I tried to write 150-200 words in a book review.

2.3. Additional Highlights and Reflections

In this year, I wrote lots of essays, book reviews, dairies, feelings, and so on in English. Writing like too many words is my first time, so it was too hard. However, thanks to this chance, I've learned a lot of things, for example, how to write essays, book reviews, and so on. Thanks to this homework, I've read lots of books in this year. I forgot to do book review though... but, reading books is a lot of fun. I'll continue to do. When I read a book, I counted how much I took. It's good I think. When it comes to essays, I rewrote some times. Rewriting is good I think. I'll continue from now on.

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