Saturday, August 31, 2013

Goodbye August...

I had lovely days in this August... Thank you for everything. Hope to have a good September.

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Curry and rice!

I made a curry and rice yesterday for dinner but too many carrots ne. haha

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Monday, August 26, 2013

First step!

This picture was taken when my first birthday came. I was about to stand up and walk. This is my first step. ya, I walked for the first time when I became one-year-old. This photo is my favorite photo.

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Sunday, August 25, 2013


I ate this sweet for the first time, today! Japanese-style Pecan Nuts CHOCOLATE! This is so yummy. I became crazy about this sweet. Haha I really want to eat it again but I didn’t know where to go. However, this time is high technology time and I could research. We can buy it there. Someday I buy! In fact I want to buy at once but I need to wait. haha 

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Saturday, August 24, 2013


I would like to introduce my family. Today I introduce my cousin. She is my cousin, Yuki. She is same age with me. Her birthday is 28/04/1993, so she is 20-years-old now. She goes to a university in Korea. She went to there as studying abroad when I entered junior high school, so she can speak Korea as well as Japanese. Lucky her! I envy her :) I can't wait to see you, Yuki.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

Had a good time!

The other day, I met my best friends, Hikari and Tomoko. I introduced them at Best friend 3. I met Tomoko for the first time in 4 months. We were going to go to our old high school to meet our class teacher when we were first-year students in high school. However, the day was the time of the Bon Festival holidays and teachers weren't in school maybe, so we went to downtown. We spent all time chatting, and we had a very good time. I don’t have enough time because I have to cook dinner because of my mother and sister’s return home to Fukushima. However, I really enjoyed! I can’t wait to hang out again.

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What a surprising story!

Today, I would like to tell you about a surprising experience that I experienced last summer.  What I’m going to tell you about is something that happened to me personally in last summer vacation.
In last August, I went to Fukuoka with Itsuyo, Sumika and Kyoko. Our place meeting was into a supper nonstop bus called Hinokunigo. First of all, I met Istuyo at a waiting room of bus center, and we got on a bus.  We sat separate seats because we wanted to make sure of Sumika and Kyoko’s seats.
A few minutes later, Istuyo said “I’m missing my cell phone.  Can you call it?” I said “sure” and called, but her cell phone was missing.  We couldn’t hear the phone ringing.  When I was thinking about it, she said “I would get off a bus!”  I thought “Oh? Bus that we were getting on was driving.” 
However, when the bus stopped, she explained situation to driver, and she got off the bus.  While I'm surprising, she got off the bus. I was very surprised. After that, I contacted Sumika and Kyoko by message.  I didn’t do anything until they got on the bus.  After meeting on the bus, we called Itsuyo, but we couldn’t get into communication with her. While we were not aware of it, we arrived at Tenjin bus center.  We had a place to go to and we had a time limit.  We would take a subway. While waiting, we had lunch.  At first, we tried to enter a fast food, but we stopped because we wanted go to the rest room.  On the way to the restroom, we found a tasty bakery and we changed shop for lunch.  The bread was very tasty but we didn’t have time because we were lack of decision. Haha 
When we ate it hastily, Itsuyo were coming the bakery! 
“Wow! Why?” We were very surprised!  She was surprised, too. She said “I don’t know, but I came here without knowing why.”
What a surprising story! We could go to a place to go to in a body. 
By the way, Itsuyo's cell phone was found around the traffic center in Kumamo.
This is something that really happened in last summer vacation.

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Something that I have never experienced happened. I can't believe but I go there. Hope to  have a good time with family...

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Went to Aso!

This sky is so beautiful. This picture was taken by like my older sister. Her name is Miwa. She and I have been known each other for a long time ago. She is good at writing pictures so I think she is great because I’m not good at writing pictures. Haha
By the way, we went to Aso the other day. I could hang out my best friends from last summer. I was glad and I had a very good time there. I could spend calmly...maybe. However, I really appreciate air-conditioner. Haha
aww, I couldn't take pictures with my best friends because I didn't have enough time. I regret not having taken pictures but I won’t forget the time we spent together ne!

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Monday, August 12, 2013

Went to the movie!

The other day, I went to the movie with my best friend. I watched Kaze tachinu. It was a beautiful story, and I thought that I live every day carefully from now on. The movie was little difficult, but good story I think.
Anyway. I want to watch Monsters University now!

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Suzuki, Toshio (Producer), & Miyazaki, Hayao (Director). (2013). The Window Rises (Kaze tachinu). Japan: Studio Ghibli.

I was a cat!?

 One day, I woke up to find that Im not a human being.  I wasn't in my room.
Oh my goodness! Where is here?
Unbelievable! Who am I?
I was upset, but I who am not a human being was recovered my presence of mind unexpectedly early.
Because I felt as if I were in a dream!
But! Several minutes later, a black man entered the room and walked up to me.
He held me in his arms and said to me.
Kitty! Kitty! How a cute you are!
I tried to say Im not Kitty to him, but the voice that came out from me was a cry.
Mew. Mew.
I couldn't understand the situation, but I was a cat called Kitty.
At the time, a housekeeper entered the room and said him.
Mr. Revels, theres a telephone call for you!
He responded OK. And he went out the room.
In the room, there are only two people, the housekeeper and I.
Then, the housekeeper talked to me.
Kitty. Mr. Revels has a hard time to become the senator. His happiness is only playing with you! Please look after him.
And the housekeeper went out the room too.
Several minutes later, he came and walked up to me.
He held me in his arms and said to me.
I have a hard time now. But this hard time is to my family and black peoples in the world.
First of all, I could understand the situation.
Im a cat called Kitty. My owner is Mr. Revels who has a hard time to be the senator.
I began to pretend Kitty for the time being.
When he called Kitty, I cried.
When he talked to me, I cried too.
He had a wife and five daughters, but he didn't complain to them, because he didn't want them to worry about him.
He was a kind person.
Such one day, the day was an election day, he run into our room and said to me
I became the first black senator! Thanks to you! Kitty!
He cried for joy.  I cried for joy too.
Just then, my body began to shine. Mew. Mew. Myuu” 
I began to speak language.
He was surprised at looking at me. 
I was surprised at too! But I could understand the situation.

I would return me, a human being. I said to him Thanks to you! Good luck!

(*I made this fiction story as my homework from American Affairs. How was it?)

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Best friends 3

Hi, I'll introduce my best friends today. Please look at this photo sticker.
We took this photo sticker last March, about five months ago. That day we went to our old high school together. Yeah, we graduated from same high school. We were in class five of the first grade. When I entered the classroom, I had only two friends in the room. I was very tense... However, we were always near because our family name were close. Gradually we came to be good friends.

Please look at that photo sticker again. As you know, I'm standing at the first right, the girl who is standing midmost is Tomoko, and the girl who is standing at the first left is Hikari. We could be in same class for two years thanks to our class teacher. I and Hikari were in same class for three years! I was very happy and thanks to my teachers.

Hikari is very interesting girl. She is going to Kumamoto university now. We can sometimes see and talk to each other, but Tomoko is going to university in Tokyo, so we rarely meet. We sometimes contact with LINE, Twitter, and Skype. These tools are very convenient! I'm happy to be in the present age. haha We'll see next summer, and i'm really looking forward to the day. Before the day, i want to be pretty because they are very cute and beautiful! lol Love you guys<3
Good bye. (I wrote this contents last spring. haha I'll hang out them tomorrow!)

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Went to Oita!

The other day, I went to Oita with like my siblings. I used this equipment. To be honest, this equipment was so-so, especially meals. If you were interested in, I would recommend you to go there. You can spend good time there; of course, I spent wonderful time with my comrades there. I did a walk rally... it was good but I was so tired. Haha The time I spent with my siblings was very good experience for me.
The way to home, I ate ice cream but it wasn't good taste. That’s too bad for me. Haha
She in this picture is like my younger sister. She is sleeping now. Her name is Sakie, and she is very cute and smart girl. I miss you, Sakie.

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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Vacation 5-Something special I did during this vacation

I would like to write about something special I did during this vacation. To tell the truth, I did a special thing during my lifetime in this summer. This year I will be 20-years-old, and have a coming-of-age ceremony on January. I chose a long-sleeved kimono last spring, and this summer I took many pictures. It’s called maedori (taking ceremonial pictures before the event). I did many trademark poses like a model. Haha I was ashamed, but enjoyed it. I took many pictures with my family and siblings. We took it for a long time, so we had a very good time!

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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Vacation 4-Good and bad points about summer

I would like to write about good and bad points about summer. At first, I’ll write about good points about summer. I think summer’s skies are beautiful, of course, day and night. And, pool and sea is enjoyable and comfortable! Summer is very hot, so pool and sea are very good. Next, I’ll write about bad points about summer. I think summer is too hot. And, we get a tan. In this season, electric is thankful, but we use is too much and I sometimes catch a cold because of air-conditioning. Summer has good and bad points, so I want to take care of myself, especially my health.

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Vacation 3-How I study during the vacation

I would like to write about how I study during the vacation. I have some ideas. At first, I will do English Central every day for improving my pronunciation. Doing a few minutes is good. Anyway doing every day is more important. Second, I will write a blog. We have to post 18 Book Review and 15000 words next term. I will do my best for next term, so I will read books for improving reading skill. Sometimes I will post a Book Review. Third, I will watch a movie in English every day for improving my listening skill. It's good to watch it listening to and reading subtitles in English. I was taught this way from my friend so I will try!

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Vacation 2-What classes I will take next term

I would like to write about what classes I will take next term. At first, I will take required classes and classes for being an English teacher of course! This term I took an outline of English literature so I will take an outline of American literature this term. In addition, I didn't take history of American literature I this term, but I will take it next term. I'm a little worried. And, I will continue to take Korean class. Korean is little difficult but pronunciation is more like English than Japanese. So to improve my Korean pronunciation is good for improving English pronunciation! Next term will be harder than this term so I will do my best for preparing during this summer vacation!

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Vacation 1-My vacations plans/preparation (past, present and future)

Today I would like to write about my vacation plans and preparation. I have some plans during this summer vacation. First, I will go to my old high school with my best friends from high school. One of them goes to a university in Tokyo and she will return to Kumamoto. I can hang out with her for the first time in 4 months! Second, I will go to Oita with my siblings. I really like hot springs so I'm looking forward to it. Third, I will go to Aso to see my best friends. I spent last summer with them so I'm glad to see them again. In addition, I will go to the Kumamoto Airport on August 19 with Sakura and Mayu. Maybe Mayu will drive! We go there to see Nozomi. She is in MN now for overseas training. I can’t wait to listen to her wonderful stories!

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Friday, August 2, 2013

Summer vacation

My summer vacation has started!I really want to spend every day carefully. 

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