Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Journal K

I would like to write for you as Journal K.  I took Writing 1 and Writing 2 classes this year.  I learned many things from you.  I was taught from native speaker for the first time, so I really enjoyed those classes.

I wrote several paragraphs in this year, and was checked from you.  You gave me some points.  At first, I couldn’t understand what you seek, that is, I couldn’t know what to write in English.  But you checked my paragraphs and my grammar carefully, and gave me some comments.  So I became to understand what to write, that is, what you want me write.  This skill is useful for me from now on.  I was very glad to take high score.

I wrote several journals too in this year, and was given some comments and points.  I challenged to write long essay in English for the first time.  At first, it was too difficult to do, but I became to be able to write long essay in English and quickly these days.  There is no check in terms of Journal, so I worry about my grammar.  I know you are busy, but if you had a time, I hope you check my journal, especially my grammar.

I really enjoyed class activities.  I did those activities for the first time, so I couldn’t understand the rule, but you, a senior, and classmates always help me to do those activities.  Due to many helps, I could enjoy class activities with my classmates.  Happy New Year’s card was enjoyable!  The snake oil was interesting!  Making story was difficult, but I had a nice time.  Those challenges were a good challenge for me, I think.  I was glad, because I could to speak with my classmate for the first time thorough those activities.

All activities are very useful for me.  Thank you, Mr. Waterman!



  1. I'm glad you found the challenges of this class valuable learning opportunities, Yukie! I know it's tricky trying to understand what an instructor wants you to write, but by the end of the course, I think you were doing a very good job at that.

    It really takes a lonnnnnnnng time to check all the grammar on paragraphs, so I'll never be able to do it with 280 word journal entries. However, you've given me a good idea. If students next year ask me to check ONE grammar point in their journal I can do that. For example, if a student wants to be sure they are dong well using sequencers in a journal, OR subject verb agreement OR something else, I can check their entry for that one grammar point. What do you think?

    Journal L (comments on course) = 280+ words = 7 APs!

    Mr. W.

  2. Hi Yukie,

    From your Journal K post, I gather that you'd faced a number of challenges, and reflected on your accomplishments, in writing I and II. It also seems that Mr. W. got an idea from your post, namely to check single grammar points that students select. How did that sound to you?

    Cheers, PB

  3. Hi,

    I'm so sorry for the delay reply.
    I think Mr.Waterman's idea is great, and i was glad to help you.
    You are so busy, please be careful about your body.

