Monday, July 2, 2012

Jounal D

I would like to talk about celebrations.  Of course, I celebrate my family’s birthdays and my friends’ birthdays.  June 26th was my younger sister’s 17th birthday.  We had sushi delivered and had a birthday party at home.  We ate sushi, deep-fried chicken, and cake, drinking juice.  June 17th was Father’s day.  In this year, I, my sister, and my brother presented my father “zinbei” in a body.  Zinbei is light cotton summer clothing consisting of knee-length shorts and short-sleeved jacket, often worn at festivals.  My sister presented him a handkerchief too.  We, my family ate cake which my mother bought at delicious cake shop.  May 13th was Mother’s day.  May 12th was my father’s birthday, so I cooked a custard pudding tart for them.  In last March, I and my younger brother finished to take exams for college and high school.  The results of exams are failure, that is, we failed in exams.  So, we can’t go to school which is the primary target.  But, my family celebrated us doing our best.  I and my brother were happy, so Now, we do our best at present school.  In my family, we usually celebrate as often as we can.  I would like to celebrate more things in my life.  I don’t think celebrating isn’t a waste of time, because it gives me power.  I like to celebrate with someone.  It goes without saying that my family, I like to do with my friends too.  When it comes to celebrating with my friends, we usually celebrate when my friend get a boyfriend or girlfriend.  In their memorial day, I sometimes mail them. “I wish you the best!”  I feel happy to see them spend happily.  Of course, I celebrate my friend’s birthday.  June 8th was my friend’s birthday.  I and the other my friends prepared confectioneries and I cooked cookies for her.  I was glad to see her rejoice to see cookies.  After all, I like to celebrate, because celebrating is happy, especially celebrating with someone!

1 comment:

  1. I *loved* the "black hole" comment. Funny! I didn't know you could get soft ice cream cone at a rotating sushi bar! I love cold somen in the summer, too!

    Journal C = 280++ words = 7 APs!!

    What great parents to celebrate with you **for doing your best**, not just for getting a high score! I agree with you about adding a lot of celebrating to life. Sometimes it's fun to give your friends an "Unbirthday Party" Check out this links!

    Journal D = 280++ words = 7 APs!!
